When he looked up to see what it was he ran into, he faced a large, dangling carcass hanging upside down from the beams. The carcass had been decapitated, slit open and gutted. An ugly sight to be sure, but a familiar one in that deer-hunting part of the country. It took a few moments to sink in, but soon Woodrow realized that it wasn’t a deer at all, it was the headless butchered body of a woman. Beatrice Cobb, Eli’s wife.
A quick search of the 5 acre family business turned up the bodies of his children, Joshua age 12, Emily age 9 and Adam age 4, in the large back room that served as their bedroom. Each child’s body had been laid in bed as if they where asleep, however later evidence turned up to suggest Cobb hunted them down in what reporters eventually dubbed his “maze of death.” The Maze, which was completely overlooked during the initial days of the investigation was created by Cobb cutting confusing paths into his family business, some of the “walls” where reinforced by plywood or barbed wire.